How to get an extension for your expiring travel voucher
/It’s been a year since the emergence of COVID changed how we all live, work, and go to school. Many of us who love to travel had to scramble to cancel trips, hoping they would only be delayed temporarily. But now, a year later, many people are holding travel vouchers that are soon to expire and wondering what to do with them. Woodlyn Travel’s Melissa Wu recently spoke to Kristine Lazar of CBS2 in Los Angeles about her family’s situation and how they were able to extend their vouchers for use at a later time. If you have vouchers and don’t think you’ll use them before they expire, here are some suggestions to help improve your chances for an extension.
Work with a travel advisor - If you are working with a travel advisor, start with them. They are your advocate and ally – they want you to travel as much as you do! They can leverage their relationships with hotel partners and know the right people to contact to get your extension approved!
Be prepared - Read the fine print – Does the voucher need to be used by a certain date or do you need to book by a certain date? You may have more time than you realize!
Request early - Put in your request for an extension well before the expiration date. If the voucher expires in June 2021, start the conversation for an extension NOW. And if the voucher has already expired, don’t lose hope: you may still get an extension, and it never hurts to ask.
Have a reason - Be sure to have a specific reason for not using your voucher within the normal time frame. Is it because you won’t have the time off from work? Concerned about traveling or waiting for the vaccine? School schedules conflict? Think through your case ahead of time so you can make a strong argument.
What is your goal? - Are you hoping for another year extension? Do you want a refund? Keep your end goal in mind when approaching your request for an extension.
Are you flexible? - Consider how flexible you might be. Travel partners want you to travel. If they are not able to accommodate your request, what can they offer you instead? If the hotel has multiple locations will a transfer to a different property work for you?
Be kind – The travel industry has been hit hard by COVID and many destinations have struggled to stay afloat. The people answering your calls or emails want your business but may be overwhelmed with requests. Be patient and express how excited you are to visit or use the voucher. A little bit of understanding and sympathy for their situation can go a long way!
Last but not least: document, document, document. If somebody approves your voucher extension, make sure you have that approval in writing. If it is over the phone, ask for the name of the person who is granting the extension and keep a record of it.
Extending your travel vouchers is a great way to kickstart your post-pandemic travel plans. So don’t hesitate to pursue an extension, and above all, talk to your travel advisor! They have experience and connections that can make sure your valuable travel vouchers don’t go to waste!